Preaching the word of God through songs, Jesus is the
secret; He's the strength of this ministry. We market Jesus Christ…just like go
ye into the world and…Mark 16:15
Jesus commanded these words recorded in
Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15. He also said "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew
To understand Jesus' command, we need to
examine some other things that He said to the same people. I believe that God divinely commissioned everyone who has ever heard or
read this command to "witness for Christ" and make converts.
To whom did Jesus issue this command? You and I.
(Matthew 28:16-19; Mark 16:14-15)! "And they went out and preached everywhere. . ." (Mark 16:20). These eleven disciples became Jesus' apostles, just as Jesus Himself was His Father's apostle (Hebrews 3:1-2). An "apostle" is one personally commissioned to deliver a message to someone else. Christ was sent with a message from His Father, and He, in turn, sent these eleven to convey the same message to yet other people! The message is the good news of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15).
(Matthew 28:16-19; Mark 16:14-15)! "And they went out and preached everywhere. . ." (Mark 16:20). These eleven disciples became Jesus' apostles, just as Jesus Himself was His Father's apostle (Hebrews 3:1-2). An "apostle" is one personally commissioned to deliver a message to someone else. Christ was sent with a message from His Father, and He, in turn, sent these eleven to convey the same message to yet other people! The message is the good news of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15).
Preaching the gospel is marketing Jesus, we learn that God added many members
to His church through the message of His apostles.
After Peter preached his
crucial Pentecost sermon, God added "about 3000 souls" in one day
alone (Acts 2:41). Thereafter, God added members to the church daily (verse
47), so that "the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in
Jerusalem" (Acts 6:7). All this occurred before the apostles even began to
go into the entire world! God KNOWS how to reach people when He chooses to do
so! And He does it through the preaching of His gospel. Royal Lamb Ministry
preaches through songs.